So nearly all the places I have hunted that had links to the ebay listing for the red heart patch that Kaylee has on her coveralls work just fine, but the auction has I finally did some hunting of my own, and I found a new ebay listing with a new heart patch that looks very similar (from what I can tell) to the one Kaylee is wearing. Now this is only judging by shape and color, I havn't actually recieved the coveralls or patch yet in the mail,but as soon as I do I'll be doing a size check...I figured I would share the linkage here JIC anyone else is hunting for the heart patch.
Always nice for others hard work to help others ^-^
Linkage: Also, I found a wonderful blue silk jacket on ebay. Now, it is nothing and I do mean NOTHING like the one Kaylee is wearing (minus the base color), however I have been hunting online through jacket shops, fabric shops, going out and trying to hunt anything down at my goodwill's, ross's, walmart's, thriftstore's...etc and havn't had much success. I saw this jacket and just fell absolutly in love with it. I think the collar rocks socks, and they had it in my size at a decent price, so I jumped at it ^-^. (I knew that if I didn't get it, I would be mad at myself later)
I figure it will be my stand in until I find something more realistic....that and it just looks fun to wear around jus' cuz.
Linkage: Oh, and I also convinced my boyfriend today to agree to be Wash *evil laugh*, so the hunt for orange coveralls, floral shirts, and black pocket vests will ensue soon XD. (thank goodness he already has the boots, brown sweater and blond hair heehee)