new to Firefly and making costumes...

May 27, 2008 18:16

Greetings. I just got into Firefly (my husband's doing) about two days ago. Haha. Looks like we'll be doing some Firefly costumes for Dragon*Con later this year. I already have Kaylee planned and my husband is getting me some green coveralls from work and I can toy around with them. Everything else should be pretty easy to gather up. Just gotta find that teddy bear patch!
Well, mine is pretty easy to do, but I really *really* want to do Mal for my husband. My problem is finding the jacket or at least something close enough to it. I'm not looking for accuracy at this point (since I have four other costumes to make for Dragon*Con), but something as close as possible would be a huge help. If I can find something that will pass for Mal's jacket with making a few modifications I'll be fine with that.
Also, exactly what kind of pants does he wear? I was trying to find something close that I could add the stripes to, but I don't know exactly what to look for.

I guess that's about it. Any assistance would be great!!
Thank you!!

(btw, this show is very amazing and I don't know how I didn't get into it sooner!!!)

kaylee, mal

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