Oct 04, 2006 15:31
Joss Whedon confirma que no habrá secuela de Serenity, al menos por el momento:
Rumors had begun to circulate the internet claiming that Joss Whedon was in the process of getting the necessary heads together to get a sequel to Serenity out on the table. Well, all you Browncoats better put your excitement to rest, as Whedon has recently confirmed that rumors are rumors and that a Serenity sequel is not even close to clear for launch.
Though we have always teased with the idea of having a Serenity sequel, the recent rumor raised the hopes of many. In order to get in some quick damage control, Joss Whedon has recently posted an update on his blog, Whedonesque, to report that the rumor is in fact false.
There’s no sequel, no secret project regarding Serenity or somesuch and I’m not even sure how anyone thought there was talk there. I’ve seen Nathan and Tim (and Summer and Alan) recently because they’re my friends because I’m so, yeah, awesome. So let’s put that to bed and smother it with a pillow.
Son sólo rumores, así que nos quedamos con las ganas.