I'm sorry results are a little late this evening!
As you'll notice, there is no mod's choice this round. With only five participants, it seemed like four potential placements would be a few too many (hopefully in future rounds we can have a mod's choice again)! As such, the points distribution is going back to 1st = 3 points, 2nd = 2 points, etc.
1st Place
(3 points)
2nd Place
(2 points)
3rd Place
(1 points)
(1 point)
raven_40rocketgirl2dreamsofkaterocketgirl2 Find your icon number
here and see a more detailed voting breakdown under the "Challenge One" tab in the googledocs tally.
Voting Totals: (Votes/SC Votes)
001: 6/2 - Feedback Received
002: 8/0 - Feedback Received
003: 14/1 - Feedback Received
004: 4/1 - Feedback Received
005: 10/3 - Feedback Received
If there is a note that there is feedback available next to your icon number and you are interested in reading the feedback, leave a comment to this post with your icon number and I will reply with it in a screened comment. Since the comment is screened, make sure your notifications are on!
If there is no note next to your number, it means that voters chose not to leave any feedback this round.
The tally for round seven (as well as this challenge) is found in the sidebar!
Lastly, don't forget to enter the last challenge this round,
challenge two!