Round Five - Sign Ups!

Jul 16, 2010 21:54

And we are back! I have stepped up to help _stolendreams_ run the community, which means that round 5 is a go!

Round 5 Sign-Ups are currently CLOSED. Please stick around and help with voting!

Sign-ups are open until Friday, August 6th, midnight GMT. That will also be the deadline for the first challenge. If you are interested in participating, please sign up and join us. The first challenge will be open for two weeks, so it will go up Friday July 23rd.

Basic Rules (see here for all the rules and details)
  • firefly_rumble doesn't have eliminations, winning the Round is based on your overall cumulative score. Points will be given out as follows:
    • 1st: 3 points
    • 2nd: 2 points
    • 3rd: 1 point
    • Special Category: 1 point
  • Failure to submit an icon for a challenge will result in 0 points for that week.
  • Each time you enter a challenge you earn a point. The more challenges you enter the better your overall score is at the end of 10 challenges.
  • If for some reason you can't or do not wish to participate after signing up, please let me know so I can remove your name from the tally list. If you need to skip a challenge, please leave a comment on the challenge post letting me know.
  • Participants who skip 3 challenges in a row will be disqualified.
Bonus Points
  • Promos will be awarded with points. For each promo you do, you can earn yourself a point. A total of 3 points can be earned this way. Please don't promote in "promo-only" communities. Post a link or a screen capture (if it's a locked post) in a comment to this entry.
  • You can also earn bonus points with referrals. Just have the person you referred post your username in their sign up comment. You can earn 2 points this way.
  • A few promotional banners/buttons can be found at this post.
  • Please note: Feel free to promote where applicable (and please be sure to check the community rules to ensure promotion is okay). If someone gets to a comm to promote first, please don't post again.
Bonus points will be available up until sign-ups close, August 6th.

P = Promo points
R = Referral Points
Total = Number of Bonus Points

  1. hbpen - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  2. shadowempress - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  3. gerryswenchie - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  4. emmz13 - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  5. faeriesfolly - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  6. longerthanwedo - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  7. bookaddict43 - R: 0, P: 1, Total: 1
  8. anxiety_junkie - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  9. sabersailor - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  10. azuremonkey - R: 0, P: 2, Total: 2
  11. xxkenziex - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  12. oronena - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  13. katiegsr - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0
  14. rocketgirl2 - R: 0, P: 0, Total: 0

round 5, !mod posts, sign-ups

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