Morena/Jewel Pairing Pimp Post

Mar 13, 2006 00:46

Here is the fourth of the Firefly/Serenity pairing pimp posts! We tried to cover all the bases, but if you have shippy things to add, please do.

Last Updated: 17 March 2006
.. one new photo

Here you'll find pictures, videos, quotes and ancedotes involving Morena Baccarin and Jewel Staite. Whether these moments make you think "shippy" thoughts is up to you, we're just providing the seeds. Please enjoy what we have here, and don't hotlink. :) All these bits of media have been found all over the internet, so I feel they're free domain, but please let me know if you really want to be credited for a shot or video, etc. :) I will happily do so.

We have no video or quotes for this pairing, so please, please provide us with shippy moments!

Disclaimer: Please note, this post is not trying to "prove" anything. We don't know the sexuality of any of the cast or crew of Firefly/Serenity, and do not really want to. This is all not-for-profit fun. Please keep your "speculation" on their actual sexuality to your own journal. :)

Lastly, if you have any moments, videos, photos, quotes, etc. that we don't have listed, please comment with it, or email us! Thanks so much!

Morena/Jewel Photos:
(click to enlarge)


Morena/Jewel Videos:
(Click photos for video)

Please "Right click and Save as.." these files, and do not stream them. Streaming kills kittens. Thanks!

.. we currently have no Morena/Jewel videos! Do you know of any moments on video that work as shippy to you? Please comment and let us know!

Morena/Jewel Quotes:

.. we currently have no Morena/Jewel quotes! Do you know of any quotes that work as shippy to you? Please comment and let us know! (please provide links to where you got the quote)

Morena/Jewel Anecdotes:

.. Morena served as Jewel's Maid of Honor at her wedding in Maui, Hawai'i.

.. during the Flanvention I (2005) cast commentary of Out of Gas, Morena said her very favorite acting moment of Jewel's was in that episode, when Jewel says "Hi, hello!" and does her little wave, after being caught in the engine room with Bester.

.. During Flanvention I (2005), Morena, Summer and Jewel argued adorably over Rachael Rae and cooking shows. Jewel and Summer liked Rachael Rae, while Morena did not. At one point, Jewel said there was a line between them, and Morena said, "Jewel, there's a fucking wall." It was very funny. :)
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