Title: Little Mutated Rat
sweetnovicaneWord Count: 222
Rating: G
Challenge: #8, Animals
Fandoms: Firefly plus Futurama
Characters: River, Jayne, Nibbler
Summary: River gets to know the newest stowaway on Serenity...
Disclaimer: I own none of these series. They belong to Joss Whedon and Matt Groening respectively.
A/N: This was a quick little piece I thought of when I saw the challenge. I've been a fan of Futurama for years and it's one of my favorite TV shows ever. Anyway, this is post-BDM/pre-Futurama, but no real spoilers for either. Hope you like!
River stared at the little black creature sitting in the hangar of the ship. His sharp teeth stuck outside his mouth as he looked up at her with curiosity with all three of his eyes. He then let out some incomprehensible noises and belched.
"Is that little mutated rat still here?"
River didn't look up at Jayne. "He's not a rat, Jayne. He tells me he's from another world. A world much older than our universe..."
Jayne scoffed. "Right...and him eatin' that cow was a ruttin' sacred sacrifice. Just toss him out the gorram airlock like the cap'n asked you to!"
River rolled her eyes as she listened to Jayne stomp out of the hangar. "I'll let you out at our next stop, but the Captain doesn't get too happy when a job goes bad."
The creature stood up and blinked at River with it's three eyes. "It's much appreciated, River," said the creature with a eloquent voice, "The Nibblonians appreciate your kindness."
"So," whispered River, looking at the creature with wide eyes, "Do aliens really exist?"
"They do," said the creature, "And many are much smarter than that man you call Jayne."
River laughed and looked back at the creature. "That's not hard to believe. Everything is smarter than Jayne. That cow you ate was much smarter than Jayne."
"Indeed it was," said the creature, letting out another satisfied belch.