Sep 20, 2007 22:13
This guy at college is really attracted to me. We watched a movie tonight in his dorm. He mixed up lies and truths until I didn't know what to think of him. He kept trying to kiss me and I kept denying him, so he tried to screw with my mind. He said that a two month relationship doesn't equate to love; that it wouldn't matter if I cheated on you, because you were probably doing the same thing right now; that aside for the initial guilty feelings, I would be fine; that he wouldn't hurt me or betray me; that I'm limiting myself, denying myself new experiences; that you didn't care about me enough if you never called. They were pretty words. He begged me to stay, to lie back down with him on the bed. I felt enormously empowered when I left him sitting there. I didn't give in to his lies-or-truths and I feel wondrous.
So how was your day?