Round Two: Sign ups

May 20, 2007 19:15

Finally, welcome to Round Two!

There seems to have been a basic consensus. This round, you will be given a character and a word for each challenge. We'll try to get to all the main characters, but it depends on how many people we get signing up.

Sign ups will go from now until May 28th. At that time, the first challenge will be posted and sign ups will close. The schedule will stay the same as before:

The challenge will go up Monday evening.
Entries must be in by Saturday evening 7pm mnt time, and voting will go up.
Voting ends 7pm mnt time on Monday.
Then the whole things starts over.

Any comments/questions/suggestions, please go here to give them.

Comment on this post to sign up! Your name will be added to the list.

1. bookaddict43*
2. noandwhere
3. guest_age
4. grapho_spasm*
5. cheshire_monkey*
6. entwashian
7. queenbitter
8. jedibuttercup
9. woodsong_1978
10. squish_67
11. invisibleshrew
12. chlare
13. maantre
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