...frankly i reallly didn't like it
they made the villians (Davy and Beckett) into plot devices with no development
they made Jack go mad which was just sad
really, it was
then they made Will into Davy Jones
that pisses me off
i hate it.
it should have been my Barby<3!
in same ways i wish they would have just stop with the 1st
one of the things that I loved was the Norribeth kiss (even through i'm a hXc Sparrbeth fan to the core)-
but then he went and fucking died
he totally pwns at swordplay anyways but he was run through by Bootstrap!
what the hell?
that broke my heart
things i liked-
Lizzie as the pritate king
the Norribeth kiss
the slightly hotter and more indenpent!Will (still don't love him tho)
the couple subtle Sparrbeth hints (barely any in this movie)
at least i finally named all my pairings-
Barby/Liz- Most screwed up pairing
Will/Liz(myleastfav)-Cutest pairing
Jack/Liz(OTP)-Sexest/BEST EVER! pairing
Norrington/Liz(Secondfav)-Best matched and angsty pairing
Tia/Will-Wierd but hot pairing
Tia/Barby-Hot clawful sex pairing
Pintel/Ragetti-Hehe!! pairing
Jack/Rum/Dirt-The only true pairing in the whole series pairing