Title: Looking for a Happy Ending Author: firefly_caPairing,Character(s): Kurt/Blaine, with eventual appearances from pretty much everyone
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I saw this fic being recced over at kurt_blaine and I saw all of the warnings and thought 'oh my god'. Not in the bad way but because of all of the horrifying stories we hear about on the news that describe these things
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Thank you so much for your comment! It really means a lot to me that you enjoyed it (it feels so weird to keep saying that in this context, but I can't come up with a better word).
Yeah, this was a very hard story to write, but part of the problem is in addition to this sort of thing being a bit of a hot-button issue for me, I also spent far longer than was healthy reading about child abduction cases online early last spring, and they'd been sort of festering with me ever since. Writing a story and follow up where everything turns out okay was meant to be cathartic. It's kind of worked out like that.
On the one hand, the story that I mainly based this on had a really shitty ending. The two kids were found and grew up to have families of their own, but they both died very young because of stupid random things like car accidents and heart defects. In a fictional story you can pick the better ending when reality screws it up, so getting to do that with this story has made me feel better
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It's okay, your sentiment is conveyed properly and that's what counts.
I feel so strange saying that I'm so damn proud of you for writing this because I don't know you from a bar of soap but I hope you get my sentiment too.
My heart broke a little just now in your comment and I really, really, really hope that the little boy who was abducted is found soon. I can't stand that people think those things are okay, that they can just do things like that. It makes me wish I had the guts to be in law or the police or something. I know I'd just crumble though, I don't have the stamina and I cry like the woman I am at time over things. This story being proof
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Thank you! And never feel awkward about internet hugs. They are online and this makes them simultaneously strange and awesome :D
Yeah, that little boy...it just boggles my mind, and in my opinion our laws here in Canada completely let that kid down because there's no way that man should have been free to do what he did with the kind of shit he'd been pulling not even a year earlier. I'm just holding my breath and hoping that the boy be found soon and get back home, too. Then I'll focus more energy and getting myself good and pissed off at ineffective lawmakers. And wishing a long and painful death for this asshole and assholes everywhere just like him, including the ones who tried to go after the people in your family (so creepy and scary).
On an entirely superficial and off topic note, I'm behind on Torchwood and when I read your response I actually had to stop and check spoilers to make sure no more of my favourites had died. I was like, "I don't care about the newbs, but I'll never get through the final episodes if they touched
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OMG Gwen is epic this season and up until now I've always felt that she's dangerously close to Mary Sue territory, so that makes it even better! To be fair she was much better last season like you said, but this season that extra element of "mom" has made her so, so awesome. I want to be her a little now and I never thought that would happen.
She was definitely like that for me in S1 and S2 but S3 I saw her differently. This season she really is just epic. Oh my gosh, you're going to love her getting her epic mum streak on in a few episode's time. I'm not sure exactly where you're up to but she's got that Lioness thing down to a T. I just miss Ianto. A lot. I loved him so much.
I'm still not over that, even a little bit. Heh. Everytime they make coffee this season I get sad. It's sort of pathetic.
(btw, that little boy I was talking about is home now, they found him early this morning, thank god. Haven't found the guy who took him yet, but hopefully that will come later before this happens again, the evil bastard)
Aww, you poor thing. *hugs you* Ianto was the best. I loved him so much.
Oh my gosh, that is fantastic news! Thank you for letting me know, he's been on my mind since you told me yesterday. I hope they catch that evil, evil man and throw him in jail for life! Okay, I'm so not crying again *wipes eyes* That is great news. I hope he's okay, too. The poor little thing. *hugs you again*
Yeah, this was a very hard story to write, but part of the problem is in addition to this sort of thing being a bit of a hot-button issue for me, I also spent far longer than was healthy reading about child abduction cases online early last spring, and they'd been sort of festering with me ever since. Writing a story and follow up where everything turns out okay was meant to be cathartic. It's kind of worked out like that.
On the one hand, the story that I mainly based this on had a really shitty ending. The two kids were found and grew up to have families of their own, but they both died very young because of stupid random things like car accidents and heart defects. In a fictional story you can pick the better ending when reality screws it up, so getting to do that with this story has made me feel better ( ... )
I feel so strange saying that I'm so damn proud of you for writing this because I don't know you from a bar of soap but I hope you get my sentiment too.
My heart broke a little just now in your comment and I really, really, really hope that the little boy who was abducted is found soon. I can't stand that people think those things are okay, that they can just do things like that. It makes me wish I had the guts to be in law or the police or something. I know I'd just crumble though, I don't have the stamina and I cry like the woman I am at time over things. This story being proof ( ... )
Yeah, that little boy...it just boggles my mind, and in my opinion our laws here in Canada completely let that kid down because there's no way that man should have been free to do what he did with the kind of shit he'd been pulling not even a year earlier. I'm just holding my breath and hoping that the boy be found soon and get back home, too. Then I'll focus more energy and getting myself good and pissed off at ineffective lawmakers. And wishing a long and painful death for this asshole and assholes everywhere just like him, including the ones who tried to go after the people in your family (so creepy and scary).
On an entirely superficial and off topic note, I'm behind on Torchwood and when I read your response I actually had to stop and check spoilers to make sure no more of my favourites had died. I was like, "I don't care about the newbs, but I'll never get through the final episodes if they touched ( ... )
I just miss Ianto. A lot. I loved him so much.
I'm still not over that, even a little bit. Heh. Everytime they make coffee this season I get sad. It's sort of pathetic.
(btw, that little boy I was talking about is home now, they found him early this morning, thank god. Haven't found the guy who took him yet, but hopefully that will come later before this happens again, the evil bastard)
Oh my gosh, that is fantastic news! Thank you for letting me know, he's been on my mind since you told me yesterday. I hope they catch that evil, evil man and throw him in jail for life! Okay, I'm so not crying again *wipes eyes*
That is great news. I hope he's okay, too. The poor little thing. *hugs you again*
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