- im ready and waiting to fall -

Aug 01, 2005 20:35

[mood |
accomplished ]

august is gonna be the start of something good.

i feel really accomplished today. i called top driver about my segment two certificate (they are mailing it out tonight), emailed the seller about my ebay skirt (i can get a full refund), cleaned my room, got a bunch of new songs onto the ipod, got a bunch of my school stuff together, downloaded audioscrobbler, and got the new photo printer so my pictures aren't only online and in my camera =)

and i'm also making a comititment to do 50 cruches every day, wear my retainer every night, and practice my splits every day (im gonna be in jazz co. so i need to be able to do them).

and i'm just really excited about the new month. the first of the month always make me feel SO motivated. and usually everything that i say i'm going to do doesn't happen, but this time i'm going to try REALLY hard to actually do it.

and i'm going to try to finish catcher by this weekend, and get through 100 pages of the ap euro book.

lauren's stupid moment of the day though - i get this phone call, and it's someone telling me about how i can get help paying for college and stuff, and at first i think they're from u of m dearborn, and im like why not? i need as much money for college as i can get. so i make an appt with this person, and then i look at the caller-id and i realize that it's someone from the us marines. which is definitley NOT what i want to do. so now i have to call back and tell them i'm not intrested. that may be for some people, but not for me. i'm not excited, thanks. so that should be fun.

i just downloaded the o-town cd and i am absolutely in love again. they were amazing. who else agrees with me?

but august is just starting off good. and i'm really really happy.
everything is falling back into place.
i love it.

i could feel something different for the first time
heaven made sense and all the words rhymed
no chance of stopping it now, im taking it all

music: otown, !accomplished, health: exercise, marines

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