how sweet it is

Apr 02, 2008 22:53

i feel like poop. damn allergies.
last year i developed bronchitis
this year my throat is horribly itchy and raw and my eyes
oh man
i wake myself up on a nightly basis, usually sometime around 4 in the morning, just rubbing and rubbing my eyes. it's horrible.
this morning i couldn't even open my eyes because some disgusting concoction of nasty decided to seep from them.
it sounds gross and it was gross.
i stayed home from work again. slept in.
then went to the doctor with my momma, had a delicious lunch at luby's, hit up wally-world, then target where i purchased a super nice 5 head floor lamp for $16! awesome. as nerdy as it may sound/be i'm gonna stash it away for when i move out.
i'm getting really excited about the reality of moving either by the end of the year or beginning of next. i've already got two of my debts taken care of! two! it's thrilling. and my car should be paid off by august or september. several months ahead of schedule because i plan to make payments every chance i can. i've gotten a much better handle on my financial situation. thanks in part to a certain someone. and it's not that i'm doing these things for him. i'm doing it for myself. he just offers an amazing amount of motivation. usually by way of tough love. but i can handle it because in the end it's all worth it. oh it's so worth it.

i missed out on cookie making tonight but it's a good thing 'cause i don't think anybody wants sneezed on cookies. blegh. instead i opted to take some meds and a nap. which was awesome. but i woke up at 9:30ish and am bored as hell now. hence the entry. i was trying to write some messages to peeps on the space but that wasn't really cooperating so yeah.

i think i'll watch juno.


quick rundown:
saturday was extreme.
as far as emotions, mood, etc. was concerned.
but, very nice.
tuesday i picked up my dress, didnt try it on 'cause i didn't have the necessary undergarments on, so i tried it on at home.
OMG. i nearly cried. it looked absolutely heinous. and i have to have it by saturday.
took it back today and they're gonna repair it free of charge as they messed up horribly and i should have it by friday.
cutting it close. eep.

trying to prepare for another busy, hectic weekend.
i hope my bubbabear does go with me saturday.
i wanna dance with him.
there's that giddy, twisty, funky feeling in my tummy.
rest assured i'm blushing massively now.

ooof. i just hope everything goes smoothly this weekend.

ooh ooh.
i have a new song for my bubba.
how sweet it is by marvin gaye.


that's all for now i suppose.

possibly more later.


marvin gaye, butterflies, busy, swoon, moving

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