I was so surprised

Jun 15, 2004 00:54

To get online yesterday and seeing a certen screen name on my buddy list. At that exact moment, all the feelings that I thought were drifting away from not talking in weeks, all came flooding back. Why is it always like that? I IMed him but he seemed somewhat caught up in a plethera of other IM's.. we said a few things then I decided that maybe I would let him go for the night, seeing how others had missed him as well... BUT just as I was to type in my goodnight, he states that he has gotten rid of most of the crowd and can talk more with me. The highlght of the conversation (besides him being online) was the question he left me with. I was feeling a bit unsure about his feelings towards me as we had been talking almost everyday durring the month of March up untill the 21st of May. After that he became real busy and I began to question my feelings as well. It's funny.. the power words can have over someone. After talking with him last night, after his question I find myself a bit excited.. maybe I was wrong to doubt, but still words are powerful and we have yet to actually hang out. It's just that he is such an amazing person I really don't want to let him slip away from me
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