So I hear Hot Fuzz is pretty cool...

Apr 30, 2007 09:38

So I'm going to see it on Tuesday or Thursday this week. Most likely tomorrow, just because that's when I have the most free time. The closest place to me that is showing it is Muvico at Arundel Mills. I really want to see this movie. I wanted to see the Aqua Teen movie, but never got the chance to (and I missed the entire showing of it on Adult Swim that one night. Damn work). Ah well. Catch it on DVD.

Aside from that, work this weekend wasn't bad. Every rider that went down on Saturday got back up. We also got an update on the rider that went down last weekend. She'll have at least a year and a half of recovery and they're not sure if she'll regain full function. Really fucking sucks.

In the ER yesterday, things actually went really well. A nurse I absolutely despise was not there. Shit I even stuck a 5-year-old and got it on the first shot. Kids usually squirm and kick, but he did really well. He probably also did really well because the pain of getting an IV had to be nothing compared to the angle his forearm was at. It was only bent at about 30 degrees, but still...that fucking hurts. He was transferred to a pediatric trauma center but not before I gave him a bag full of saline flushes to use as squirt guns. He actually had one aimed at the medic who was taking him to Hopkins when I walked in the room to check on him.

Eh, time to get ready for another day of work. Till next time...

life, work, etc

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