Thank you, Moff, for adding to the list of otherwise-ordinary things your viewers are now traumatized by. You do it well.
Thanks also for what is sure to be another intriguing mystery arc. Now lemme stick the rest
under the cut.
Who is Clara? Now that we know who River is, even though we have no way of knowing if we'll ever see her again, we obviously needed another mystery. Is she River? Is she Romana? Is she Jack's daughter? All we know so far is that she keeps popping up after dying and repeats a key phrase or two. She also mentioned a keen sense of time, which is of course fueling speculation she's at least part Time Lord. Oh, and she likes souffles. And she's probably not any of the things I've just said, because those would be too easy.
(They do, however, make for fun fic speculation in the meantime.)
I'm moderately amused by how invested people are getting in their hypotheses already. Speculating is fun, but getting to attached to being right (and demonstrating that those whose guesses are not the same as yours are mindless idiots) takes the fun out of it, imo. Ditto for getting up in arms about the "Can't control clouds, that wold be stupid" line as some sort of demonstration that Moffat can't remember his own continuity. Sounded pretty tongue in cheek to me, but even if not, it's irrelevant to the current storyline, so let it go. I'm the first to jump on writers for stupid continuity errors. Especially Big Name Writers. *coughJKRcough* But sometimes, it's just not a big enough deal to worry about. (Memory wiping yourself out of your parents' entire lives and setting them up with new identities before wibbling that you "only know the theory" of a basic Obliviatus Curse a few pages later is slightly more jarring.)
Who's for a 50th anniversary party featuring fish fingers and custard, bananas, souffles, a complete ban on all things pear-related, tea, jelly babies, and ... come on, I know there's more, I just can't think of it.
Also, how much love do I have for seeing Vastra and Jenny again? "I resent your implication of impropriety. We are married." This is definitely one of my new favorite lines. I may possibly have already played around with it in fic even. I hope we get to see more of them still, at least for the anniversary ep, when I still have high hopes of seeing many if not all of the surviving Doctors and Companions.
Meanwhile, I should be getting ready for the first Date Night in far too many months, so enough of that for now. Just had to babble a bit. Anybody have any other fun theories?