Gratitude Project 2011

Aug 03, 2011 11:34

Late start, but better late than never.

It's cool to see how far this has taken off. I see people who've never met estaratshirai and have no idea how The Gratitude Project started doing it. That's kind of amazing. (It's also why I link back to the original post every year, and it's been OMGs seven years!)

I've not seen estaratshirai around online for a bit, come to think of it. Anyone know if she's all right?

For those not familiar and who didn't click the link above, the Gratitude Project is an annual challenge that has its basis in the Wiccan cycle of the year, in which there are three harvest festivals that involve some degree of giving thanks. The two chosen for endpoints are Lammas/Lughnassadh, which falls on or about 8/1, and Mabon, which falls on or about 9/21. There's no requirement to be Wiccan or even more broadly Pagan to participate, and I'd venture to say that at this point most of the participants are not. Gratitude isn't limited to one spiritual tradition, after all.

The challenge is to publicly post something one is grateful for on each day. (For me, this often means a few multi-day catch-up posts, like this one.) So, let's get this going!

Mon, Aug 1 - I'm grateful I have a job. It took forever to find one, and for all the challenges it's giving me, I am grateful that I finally did. I'm also very grateful to the friend who pointed me to it.

Tue, Aug 2 - I'm grateful for having learned my body well enough to know when to exploit a day off by mostly sleeping through it. I'm also grateful to have been off yesterday so that I could, as I'm feeling much better today, for all I'd like to go back to bed yet again.

Wed, Aug 3 - I'm grateful for the amazing friends I've met online and the support you folks give when it's needed. You are all amazing.

gratitude11, gratitude

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