Philokhoria (
modern Hellenic summer festival based on an obscure bit of Callimachus*) was great. We had an unusually large gathering (six adults, surprisingly no kids) which was nice, if hot. Really, really hot. Fitting.
As music is a big piece of the day, one of the suggestions was that we bring some music to share. Even, if so inspired, to make a mix CD, but to make sure it's labeled, so that if someone finds something they like, they can check the artist out. The term "music of the soul" may have been uttered at some point or may have been the product of my own rehashing of the idea, but in any case, that's how I interpreted it, which made for a fun and challenging project.
Of course, we couldn't all play all our CD's, just select songs, and making those choices was interesting too. I wasn't surprised that some were a bit taken aback by what I opted to play first. Despite the fact I'm very much of the Metallica Generation, I don't look like a headbanger unless, you know, I'm actively trying to look like a headbanger. I may, possibly, have added to the shock by introducing that the first song I played, which was "Sugarglass" as being by a "little Welsh band." What? "Recognize your true will" is actually pretty thematically appropriate, if a bit Crowleyan. *innocent look*
Anyway, I used to have a link to something that would let me create a playlist you could listen to, but I don't know where it is anymore or if it would have the more obscure stuff on the list, so here it is just as a list:
Overcome by Live
Numb by Linkin Park
Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
Sugarglass by Blue Gillespie
Stand Up by Gary Moore
Headstrong by Trapt
Making Sound by Blue Gillespie
Rio by Duran Duran
Desert Rose by Sting
Pan's Nine by Troupe Americanistan
2nd Delphic Hymn to Apollo by Atrium Musicae of Madrid
She Carries Me by Jennifer Berezan
If I Ever Lose My Faith in You by The Police
The fun part beyond just figuring out what songs to include was sorting out an order. The progression, to the extent I can articulate it, is something along the lines of angst -> anger/resolve -> transformation. The last four songs include one apiece for each of my Patrons and what probably seems a rather odd choice for a finale. That's about as much as I can explain in words. *points to icon*
There was also geekitude! Well, when isn't there? But one of the regulars hsa brought his bf a couple of times, and we bonded over Firefly, Buffy, Angel, and Charmed. (Regular fellow gave up and wandered into another room about midway through. Later said, "If you could've at least been going on about Charmed ..." To which we both said, "We did! You should've stuck around.")
Definitely a far less intense festival than Panaphobeia, which was much needed. Still processing that one, and I expect to still be for awhile. (If I could manage to not include "make a complete ass out of myself" in that process, it'd be great, though my record so far suggests this is highly unlikely. More on that, er, eventually.)
*Sorry, but there's no direct link to the festival that I can find, so there's lots of scrolling down that page to get to it.
Edited for clarity. Edits are italicized.