In which I have high hopes of some of the threads of this season coming together. Or finding out whether all these "echoes of things past" are actually deliberately interwoven themes rather than just rehashing of the old (or use of already-made set materials). C'mon, Moff. I've been thinking all season that the weaker eps have been sacrificed in the service of some mega-arc across the season that would finally make it all make sense. Please, bring it home.
Opening with Van Gogh? Now that's a surprise. Wish they'd have shown the canvas they're looking at, though I imagine they will sooner or later.
Flash back to Churchill? Does this mean that we're going to find out more about the Skittles!Daleks? Oh, now that I hadn't expected at all. It's a message for the Doctor then.
Jump from 1941 to the 51st century. I'm trying very, very hard not to make too much of that. Oh, wait. 52nd century. Now I'm actually just confused. Though I like that we've just got a new bit of "phoning the Doctor" canon: phoning the Time Vortex doesn't always work, but will be rerouted appropriately. (Unless the Earth has been pulled one second out of synch with reality or Vomiting Junkie Aliens are invading, of course.) Churchill & River Song having a conversation. Amazing.
Liz 10! W00t! Very glad to see her again. Yes, hopes for everything coming together are increasing. Exponentially. Very tantalized by the glimpse through the canvas of that painting.
A Vortex Manipulator straight off the wrist of a handsome Time Agent. (Is there any other kind?) Okay, now you're just fucking with us, right? "I said 'off the wrist.'" Ew. Yeah.
Hard to tell what Amy makes of that ring. Looks like she could be remembering or chasing a "just at the corner of your vision" memory. Or (and I seriously hope not) thinking it's the Doctor's.
Aaaaand we finally have some mention of the TARDIS' translation capabilities. Why not until now? And those "first words in recorded history" are going to be a message, obviously. Same message as the painting?
Hello, Sweetie? Followed by Theta Sigma, interestingly enough. Not sure what to make of the rest. Phi, space, capital gamma, lowercase gamma, capital delta, and ... lightning bolt? Coordinates, but also his name. Huh.
ROFLMAO @ River posing as Cleopatra!! And also at "Invasion of the Hot Italians."
Van Gogh used the ambulance poster on the TARDIS to put more information in. So that'd be why we went back to that model then. Huh. Stonehenge? Seriously? This actually looks a bit like that one SJA ep then, though I don't remember the details of it. When that lady from the Bane came back? Yeah, that one. (Am also trying very hard not to think about what else is buried under another part of Britain at this point in time that ought to have the Doctor's Time Lord senses tingling.)
Cyberman head? Well, they're the only recurring baddies we've not seen all season. But does that imply they're what's buried in the "Underhenge" or that whatever's under there is just that bad of a Big Bad that it eats Cybermen for lunch? (Which would be who, then, the Doctor himself?)
"I hate good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him." ROFLMAO!! Gods, I love River.
Ooh, interesting. Pandora's Box was Amy's favorite story and Second Century Roman invasions of Britain were her favorite topic in school? No, I wouldn't ignore that coincidence, Doctor. Now, what is that "most feared being" going to be? Weeping Angel? Gods, I hope not. I loved them in Blink, but I want to forget the eps with them this season. Something that eats Cybermen for lunch.
Party at Stonehenge! If you've ever been a DW Big Bad, come to Stonehenge in 102AD for the bestest party ever! Er, sorry. Got a bit carried away there.
"Just this once, you have to run." Um, has she met him?
The Romans are the greatest military machine in the history of the universe? Um, okay. Nice presentation technique, River, but who's your volunteer? *boggles*
Back to Amy and the ring. She does think it's the Doctor's, but she feels something from it. "If something can be remembered, it can come back." If that isn't the theme of the whole season, I'll be utterly shocked.
She doesn't know what a Cyberman is either. So time was rewritten back to earlier than Army of Ghosts? And can I just say that I love the spidery Cyber-head? Though at first I was expecting a Cybermat, which would've fit the whole "going back to the classics" theme. Instead, these look like Pete's World Cybermen, who don't use Cybermats ... but apparently use blow-darts.
Rory! I didn't expect to be so happy to see him, but damn!
Wait! Does this mean the crack acts like the Weeping Angels used to do? It doesn't erase you from history, but feeds off your future and sends you to the past? Because that would be awesome and might even earn some forgiveness for breaking the Angels in the first place.
Cyberman got dusted by the locals? Never understimate a Celt? I'm not sure whether to laugh or roll my eyes or punch the air.
"I died and turned into a Roman. It's very distracting." I don't think I realized how much I love Rory, but I really, really do!
I also really love the Doctor sending all the rest of them to squabble for ... half an hour, which he's mentioned more than once. What's so special about half an hour?
This is where the lightning in the opening credits comes from then. But I'm with River: why? Oh, of course. To land on Amy's wedding day, which is no longer her wedding day. "Silence will fall." WTF?
"She's Amy and she's surrounded by Romans. Not sure history can take it." Heh, me neither. Poor Rory. But that would be a hell of a miracle.
No, Amy didn't say Pandora's Box was her favorite story, she said it was her favorite book. Which just happens to have a picture of the Pandorica on it, but she didn't recognize it? And all the Romans (including Rory!) are projections? No, no, no, no! NO! Good, for you, Rory! Fight it! The rest are memories of fictional constructs, but you're the memory of someone real!
And the rest of them appear to be ... Autons? At least, that's what the hand thing suggests.
Wait, what? He killed Amy? WTF??
And the Pandorica is to hold the Doctor ... what an unholy alliance that lot is! TARDIS blowing up, universe erasing itself. Yup, perfect cliffie!
More questions than answers, but that's to be expected of the first half of a finale. Very hopeful that it will, in fact, tie it all together. Can it be next week yet? *bounces*