The Green Death

Jun 16, 2010 22:30

You'd think we wouldn't have to keep having this conversation.

Patsfan: What language is that? Is it alien or something?
Me: We're watching Doctor Who. What the hell is my answer every time you ask that?

The word in question wasn't even as difficult to suss out as it could've been. Idiot. *facepalm* Oh, the word? Llanfairfach.

That said, while this may or may not be the first story set in Wales back in the reaches of classic Who (anybody know?), it's the first one that got my brain churning in that dangerous way.

Not so much a spoiler cut as a cut for length.

In many ways, not all that great of a story. It was fairly predictable from the get-go, in fact. But, hey, giant maggots! Giant fly! Hybrid high-protein fungus that kills the giant maggots and cures the Green Death! Note: I never quite worked out whether the Green Death was caused by the maggots themselves or the refuse from the oil company, and whether that sludge generated the mega-maggots or just attracted and fed them. Loose ends? Hah!

Still, I couldn't help wondering (rather frequently) how one could rewrite this to include what Torchwood Cardiff at the time made of it all. (After the timeline got rewritten by the Doctor's dropping in on Queen Victoria.) And how could one make Cliff and Jo Jones (dear Gods, I hope she didn't change her name, that sounds horrible) Ianto's aunt and uncle or something. Wouldnt really work to make them his parents unless you blatantly ignore any canon references made by either Ianto or Rhiannon. Someone's done one or the other by now, right? Right? I mean, if nothing else, there's the "Global Conspiracy" special feature that brings the story up to the 21st century to play with.

fandom: doctor who, episode commentary

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