Feb 02, 2010 07:04
I think that just about covers it, at least for the Northern Hemisphere. Anybody celebrating Lammas or Lughnassadh Down Under? If so, a happy one to you as well!
Meanwhile, middle age has clearly arrived in force. I'm now the proud (?) owner of "progressive" bifocals. The only thing "progressive" I've noticed so far is the headache when wearing them, but I'm fighting the urge to just switch back to my old glasses in hopes that'll get me to adapt. Besides which, they were freaking expensive, so I really can't just give up that easily. (Insurance covered the exam and $80 towards glasses, which I think maybe covered one arm and earpiece. Ouch.) So I guess I should just stock up on Tylenol for the next little while.
As far as the summer, there's no sign on the hospital website of the internship I'd been planning to apply for. There was talk of it being cut, and it looks like it may have been. On the one hand, this is disappointing. On the other, Infinitus just got much more likely, at least schedule-wise.
I should probably stop procrastinating and get ready for school, huh?