Okay, they managed to make me gasp in three minutes and twenty seconds, so I'm thinking a running commentary is in order.
WTF? The Resurrection Gauntlet is from the Time Lords???????? And it can be used to kill apparently. *boggles* (Also, apologies to Ianto, but I do like Resurrection Gauntlet better than Risen Mitten.) So, the question in my mind is, did Jack know this? Because he seemed in TKKS to know more about it than the rest of the team, including where to find its mate. Could he have been trying all along to find out if it could be used to end his immortality?
OMFGs, now they've got Ten in that Hannibal Lecter thingy. This time, with the Master leaning in and talking to him. I can just see the fanart now.
Er, since when can the president of the US transfer UN protocols to anyone? I mean, the building's in NYC, but isn't the point that it's not directly controlled by any one country?
Whoa. Way to go, Donna. I just hope she's only out cold, despite the Doctor's predictions. Aaaand, yes. Whew!
Yay for the cactus aliens! And LOL @ the Doctor not being to handle not being in complete control. It's actually better if he doesn't lead the Master straight to the TARDIS, don't you think?
"But we're in space!"
I love Wilfred. Can't wait to find out what it is that's so special about him. And how cute is he, whooping like Luke Skywalker on his first hit!
OMGsWTFBBQ: the two Time Lords voting against are being turned into Weeping Angels? Time Lords can be turned into Weeping Angels? Does that mean all of them are former Time Lords? They certainly knew what the TARDIS was in Blink. *boggles*
Er, where do the Cactus Aliens think they're going with the windscreen smashed out? Not space, I shouldn't think.
Okay, so that was Rassilon. But who was the woman who uncovered her face? Because that sounded an awful lot like Rose's theme.
Huh. No answers there. And now here's Martha and Mickey??? Wait, and they're married? She didn't marry Tom? WTF just happened? And the Doctor knew to be there how exactly?
OMFG, Luke! He's running around saving all his Children of Time and their loved ones. Except there's no way, is there? *crosses fingers*
Fuck. Space bar. Of course. Gods damn it! No way. No fucking way in hell. That's just ... how many years in the future are we meant to think that was? *^*&^&^%%!!!! That's his fix for Jack? Set him up on a date? After all THAT??? And he just grins and goes with it? WTFWTFWTF?!?!?!
Far enough in the future for another human to be in that Mos Eisley-esque bar and not raise any eyebrows. I think I'm going to tell myself he's had a few centuries to work through the grief of not only Ianto but Steven. Because otherwise? That is complete and utter crap. Maybe the Doctor couldn't go back and fix things, but for that to be all Jack needs, then he's got to have had a lot of time.
Ah, that's how he knew he'd see Wilfred one more time. Lottery ticket from a time traveler. That'll be worth something, I think.
Rose. Of course, he'd have to go see her.
We never did find out why the Ood Sphere had progressed overly fast. Hmmm. I'll bet that'll come back up at some point.
And apparently this is how the TARDIS gets a makeover. Oh, and he's going to freak out because he thinks he's a girl! (*&*&^**!!! Still wish Donna had been the one to become Eleven. Bleh.
Okay. Loved bits, loathed others. Goodbye, RTD, and hello, Moffat. Can't wait to see what changes that switch will bring.
And now for some sleep at long last.