On a completely different note ...

Dec 22, 2009 20:31

The Last House on the Left is a movie I really needed not to see any of. Ever. By the end of the opening scene, I should really have worked that out. Because, see, I can take violence and gore, but not when the point seems to be to revel in just how painful and gross you can possibly make it, y'know?

I don't think it was even half done when I finally decided I'd had enough, told Patsfan I was completely done with it, and left him to it. He came into the bedroom a few minutes later to say the worst was over. (Um, you haven't seen it before. How can you know?) I had actually been telling myself, right up until I left, that I should really stick it out and get some resolution out of it rather than just walk away with all these horrific images. But then it just kept getting worse, and, um, no. Patsfan kept trying to tell me more of what was going on, somehow not comprehending the simple sentence "I'm done." Done as in done. Finished. Do not want to hear another thing that happens in it, do not want to hear why I should've kept watching. Just ... done. I think he's finally got that through his head, or at least I hope so.

So, um, that'd be a negative number of stars on that movie review, yes?

movie review

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