I'm disappointed on multiple levels. First that we're even putting people's rights up to a popular vote. I need to remedy the gaps in my Civil Rights Movement history, but seriously, did we do this in the 60s? Because I'm thinking not. And second, that when we do it, people are voting "no, this group of people should not have the same rights as me."
There's a longer post I've been trying to compose ever since someone on my flist asked the question, "What does your sexuality mean to you?" It's not together yet, but here's the key point that makes things like the results of Maine's referendum gut me: sex is extremely basic. To go by
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it's on the exact same level as breathing, food, and water. Unlike breathing, eating, and drinking, you can choose to abstain from it. However, it is a basic drive. There are some reasonable limitations to put on it, e.g. that both/all parties need to be willing and able to give meaningful (and legal) consent to participate. Beyond that? I've got real fundamental problems with trying to restrict who people pursue this basic drive with, or to say if your choices in this arena don't line up with the majority, you don't deserve the same rights as everyone else.
Out of time for now, but yeah, there'll be a longer post eventually.