Aug 20, 2009 09:09
Another catch-up post.
Monday & Tuesday saw me being grateful to my classmates and the nursing tutoring lab staff for a) lighting a fire under me to get some pre-term studying done and b) helping me find copies of the practice quizzes I lost put somewhere very safe where they will be found in the year 2020. Also for quiet Tuesday evenings with Patsfan.
Wednesday, I found myself hugely grateful to Target. Yes, we finally have one nearby! And they had a relatively inexpensive bookshelf that looks like it'll solve some of my space issues, not to mention a dresser that (if I can figure out how to transport it home) should take the place of my 38yo hugely duct-taped model.
Today, I'm grateful for people who actually like, even thrive on figuring out various cultures' calendars and map them onto the Gregorian calendar for people like me who'd like to know when various festivals ought to fall but would develop ulcers and probably rip all my hair out strand by strand trying to do the actual legwork.