Torchwood: Children of Earth ep1

Jul 18, 2009 18:43

So, I'm finally watching it, though I should really be sleeping right now, and I sort of want to jot down some of my thoughts as I go and before I read some of the meta/freakout/wank I've set aside to read once I've seen all 5 eps.

I don't get as much into the shipping in this fandom, but it's interesting to see how Jack and Ianto react so differently to being referred to as a couple. Part of that might be Jack's prior inclinations to just go with the moment and not form attachments, but I think part of it comes down to his own supposedly-joking statement, "No, I don't get killed. You get killed. You die like a dog." It's still a desire to avoid attachments, but more now because I think his inability to die has been breaking his heart bit by bit and he just can't handle it.

Gwen's continued enthusiasm for Torchwood after losing Owen and Tosh is almost unbelievable, though the moment when she greets the tattered picture of the two of them was very touching.

This thing with the kids? Is creepy. I hit pause after they all started screaming to write this, and now I'm going back to watch more.

Ooh, and who was that one adult? The kid who was left behind in 1965? It's only 44 years later, and he looked about 10 in that scene, so if it is supposed to be that kid, he's aged really badly. Though as he seems to be institutionalized, that could account for it.

"Big giant science fiction super-base. Honestly. See ya!" Gods I love Gwen.

Okay, it may not be security rule #1, but it should be up there. When the world has just gone nuts, do not hand over your password to the temp who just started today, particularly if said temp has already been asking about things she shouldn't. That can only end in badness, I'm sure.

Okay, that's how he finds a kid. But ... "Uncle" Jack? I can only assume that's an honorary title. Or ... did she just call him "Dad"? 0.0 So he's the little boy's grandfather? 0.0

Apparently so.

And Ianto's sister outing him. Interesting that he's as uncomfortable with admitting the relationship to his family as Jack is to admit it really is a relationship. I love how well his sister deals with it though.

His BIL, on the other hand needs to be smacked.

Wow. So that guy was even younger as a kid than I'd guessed if he was 11 when he got picked up 4 years later.

Why can he smell things so intensely? And OMGs, Gwen's pregnant? What impact is all this kid-focused stuff going to have on her then?

Whoa, and who are these people intercepting Torchwood communications? For a second I thought maybe they were the ones stole the SUV. And how, if they have the ability to infiltrate their communications, do they not realize the pointlessness of issuing a kill order on Jack?

Damn, I so didn't see Dr. Patanjali being the one to take the order!

Shit! What did they put inside Jack? A bomb?

Ooh, nice device to let them find it. But EEEEEK!

Can't help wondering if this is what turns him into a giant head in a bottle ...

Ending on the kids with the "We are coming" bit again and then punctuating it with "back" somehow managed to feel both effective and overdone.

And I still don't feel like I can fall back to sleep, so I guess it's on to ep2.

torchwood, fandom meta

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