Title: Strange Interview
Fandom: BtVS/HP
Character(s)/Pairing: Giles/Hermione
Rating: PG
Word count: 250
Summary/Prompt: A weirdo sort of magic cropping up at Hogwarts they have to deal with? Giles chasing some getaway problem into the HPverse?
A/N: Happy belated birthday,
leni_jess! Thanks for the cool prompt. It threatened to turn into something much longer, which may yet get written some other time.
“I warned you.” Rupert sent another burst of energy at the demon. “This is nothing like-”
“Chasing down an evil madman, one piece of his soul at a time?” Hermione cast a rather impressive-looking hex that seemed to confused the beast. “Maybe not. But still-”
The ax got stuck about halfway through the demon’s third neck, which only seemed to annoy it until Hermione added some sort of Slicing Spell.
Once they’d dispatched the other six, both sat panting on the ground. Hermione flicked her wand, and the carcass vanished.
“I may not be one of your Slayers, but it looks like you’re going to need my kind of help with these things.” She glanced around the grounds of the magical school. “And if they’re going to keep turning up here, I’m going to need yours.”
Rupert removed his purple blood-spattered glasses to clean them.
“The Venefido Demons are drawn to places of great power, and now that both of the Hellmouths are sealed, schools such as yours are the next most likely targets,” he agreed. “What did you have in mind?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “I have yet to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor for next term. You seem qualified.”
“I dare say.” And he did miss teaching, or at least training. He extended a hand. “Very well.”
Her grasp was firm, and he decided it best not to notice anything more about this woman who’d just become his boss, however temporarily.
Title: The Bet
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s)/Pairing: SS/HG
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary/Prompt: A kiss in the rain.
A/N: Happy belated birthday,
dreamy_dragon73! I hope you had a great day and that you enjoy your gift.
“Bugger!” Hermione shook her wand out of her sleeve, then decided not to bother with an umbrella. In the second or two since she’d Apparated into her garden, she’d already got drenched. She could dry off once she was inside.
“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you look quite so … delectable.”
She turned to grin up at him, and Severus captured her mouth in a searing kiss.
“Five Galleons, please.” Pause. “You didn’t listen, and now you’re locked out. Pay up.”
Grumbling half-heartedly, he dug out the coins.
She undid the wards and let him in to warm up.
Title: Preparations
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s)/Pairing: SS/HG
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary/Prompt: Severus has a guilty pleasure he can’t quite keep secret.
A/N: Happy belated birthday,
melusin_79! I hope you had a great day, and that you enjoy your gift.
Severus tucked the box carefully in the back of his desk drawer, having removed what he needed and refreshed the Notice-Me-Not Charm on it.
Alas, as he bit into the utterly decadent chocolate truffle, the door to his office swung open, a perfunctory knock barely audible.
“Severus, are you ...?” Hermione glared at him, hands on hips. “You’re hoarding chocolate again?”
“That was the last.” And it was true. All the rest had different fillings.
She rolled her eyes. “Are you ready to go then? We’re almost late.”
“Of course.” He was now adequately fortified against the annual Victory Ball.