open_embrace Prompt: redux, bad
Rating: NC17+
Warnings: sex, femmeslash, BDSM ;)
Wordcount: 400 (quadruple-drabble)
Disclaimer: I own the words, Joss owns the people, places, and generally all the cool stuff.
Author's notes: I wanted to write something like this back when the 'bad' prompt was on, but lost my nerve. But I did say back then that I'd write it if asked, and
browncoat_2x2 did ask for it (in a Jayne voice, no less!), so I thought what the heck, I'll do it. I'm out of practice at writing smut, so any suggestions, encouragements or concrit is, as always, loved and welcomed.
It is sexually explicit, and does involve BDSM so if this kind of thing squicks you or you are underage, please don't read it. But if you do like it, by all means.. :P