Title: Blood and Roses
Author: Alsunwunderland
Characters: River/the voices
Disclaimer: Firefly/Serenity Property of Joss Whedon.
Prompt: Redux, Prompt: Roses
Rating: PG for imagery
Timeline: During Objects in Space.
Word Count: 200 Double Drabble
Blood and Roses
River could not find peace onboard Serenity. The constant clamor of their tangled thoughts was torture. I’ll be in my bunk-Why won’t he kiss me-It’s not proper-Too many husbands in this marriage-Ready to have a baby now. It was enough to make her head ache and her nose bleed. Their thoughts about her were worse. Crazy girl-moon brain-money was too good-she ain’t human-weapon or girl-time bomb-I’d still be at the hospital if it weren’t for-might have ta put a bullet to her. Her own thoughts were no better. No love or life or light, only blood and death and roses on her coffin. Bullet in the brainpan. Squish. Through all their prattle, she still heard the distant rumble of the oncoming storm. She felt the fierce electricity under her skin. There was no refuge in sleep. The Night Mares trampled through her head every time she drifted into even a light doze. "The storm is here, and he is Early", she murmured as she slipped out of her quarters and prepared for battle.
I want to love but it comes out wrong
I want to live but I don't belong
I close my eyes and I see
Blood and Roses