Title: Sundown 1/?
Author: Alsunwunderland
Characters: Jayne/River, Kaylee/Simon, Mal/Inara
Disclaimer: Firefly/Serenity property of Joss Whedon.
Prompt: Fight
Timeline: 4 Months Post-BDM
Word Count: 200 Double Drabble
Author's Note: Concrit and feedback apreciated. Thank you very much.
"Dirty pofu, Dirty CHOU SAN BA" Mal bellowed.
"The hell Mal
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Comments 8
But honey could you put the fic behind a cut?
Please help me!
Um.. this place will I be able to translate sentences and words that arent used in Firefly/Serenity?
'cause the story I'm writing for ain't firefly/serenity and I need words that arent said in the 'verse...
One more site: http://www.ringsurf.com/ring_browser.php?id=405204
This is a message from your local browncoats. We'd advise you to listen closely. This November everyone who wants to save Firefly will be sending a pair of blue medical gloves into fox network with the message, "You can't stop the signal". If you want to help with this effort visit the movement's website, www.savefirefly.org for more information.
Pass this in email or wherever so that we can reach as many browncoats as possible!
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