(no subject)

Jul 12, 2005 09:55

So, this weekend was pretty boring. Steve left for New York with his friends on Wednesday and didn’t come home till Sunday so I was all by myself.

Friday I was exhausted so I popped in a movie but was asleep before it ended.

Saturday I woke up, cleaned a little, went shopping (but only spent $8 on earrings) and then got my hair highlighted/eyebrows done. I’ve been wanting to do both for months so that was fun. And relaxing. It’s really true that when your eyebrows are shaped correctly it changes the look of your entire face. The highlights came out really great too, which is nice because I was nervous. They’re kind of a caramel/honey blend nothing too blonde :o) I have been looking for a couple of years for a good salon in the Worcester area, and I think I might have found it. Good stuff.

Saturday night I was supposed to meet up with Gootie’s boyfriend (*hee!*) tsmit at Irish Times but I started a migraine. I took a couple of Excedrin and continued about my day. Couple of hours, it was getting worse not better, so I took a couple more Excedrin and then it was like something in my head exploded. It hurt so bad. Finally I laid down thinking it would get better. At one point I was in bed and rolled over and had to leap off the bed to vomit. Which in turn made it hurt more so I threw up more. It was f'n awful.

By that time I had taken like, 5 Excedrin (which have caffeine) so I couldn't even go to sleep. So I couldn't watch TV, couldn't read, couldn't move, couldn't turn on a light but I couldn't sleep either. I was f'n miserable. So obviously Irish Times was out of the question.

Sunday I went home and went to the Wickford Art Festival with my parents. Which was a lot of fun. Got some really awful chowder and some decent clamcakes out of the deal..as well as a blue swavorski crystal & stone necklace (which I'm completely in love with :o) It was only $15 and as I picked it out and said I’d take it, my dad pulled out the money for it, which was very nice of him. I had the money on me, but he said it could be a late birthday present :o) It was very sweet.

Then I was exhausted, came back to Worcester and 20 minutes later Steve got home from his vaca so we curled up and fell asleep by 9:30. :o) Good stuff.

This weekend should be a lot more fun…Friday night, we’re going with Anne Marie & Chris to their friend Sandy’s house for a barbecue and Texas Hold’em which is cool. Sandy lives right around the corner and we’ve both met her a few times and she’s awesome. Saturday we’re going canoeing with AM & Chris (and Madison I think?) in East Brookfield. So fun! I haven’t been canoeing since Girl Scout camp.

AM also submitted my resume to her manager so maybe I I can get a job there. Which would be so much more fun then where I am now. It’s 45 minutes closer to home, working with people I know, doing something in a company where at least there’s room for promotion. * sigh * we’ll see how it goes I guess.

steve, anne marie, weekend

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