Super Long and pretty boring :op

Apr 21, 2005 11:13

Things have been so crazy busy that I have had no time to do a real update. Paperwork is coming in for the end of quarter so there's a lot of things going on...Where to start...

Friday I had an interview at 9am in Fanuiel Hall in Boston for a company in Westboro. Basically they want to pay me $5k more a year to do easier work, 45 minutes closer to home. I'm all for it. I should be hearing from them sometime this week.

Saturday Steve & I ran errands all day and did our own thing more or less. I went to the Northbridge Curtain Factory Outlet to fix the curtain fuck ups I made at the Curtain Outlet in Fall River. I got 4 more panels for the living room and a match for the curtains in the bedroom. Then I decided to get crazy and do the kitchen as well. There are two windows, I got two valances and 4 swags. Got home, realized I only needed 2 swags & one of the valances was white instead of ecru. BACK to Northbridge. It was frustrating. I really did manage to mess up every single room. I still haven't hung the bedroom curtains because I need curtain clips. I didn't even know they existed.

Saturday night I took Steve out to Zipango Sushi for dinner. We looked cute :o) And we got a really awesome table in the back. It was perfect. Then we met up with Trey & Kuj at Tammany and had some beverages. It was a good time.

Also Saturday night I dropped off my BC prescription at CVS on Park Ave. They told me it would be ready at 11am on Sunday morning. I only went back to CVS because they sent me this coupon for $15 off and sent this letter "We notice you've switched your prescription to another pharmacy, please take this coupon and come back to us." So I did. I dropped it off at CVS on Sunday night KNOWING that I would pick it up at 11 when they said it would be ready because the day was really busy and we were going out with Steve's parents at 1.

Sunday morning at 20 of 1 I went to the CVS to get my prescription. I'm a little late, but that just gives 'em more time to get it done, right? I walk in, I ask the girl for it and after 15 minutes she finds my blue pack sitting on a counter to be refilled. I tell her it should have been ready at 11. Her manager tells me it will be at least an hour. I tell him that I don't have an hour, I have an engagement at 1pm and planned my day according to when the pharmacist told me it will be ready. He says to come back in an hour.

I leave EXTREMELY annoyed.

Steve & I go to lunch with his parents in Framingham at John Harvards and don't get back till 5:30. I don't even go into the house, I jump into the car and go down to CVS. I walk in and this dick looks me in the eye and goes "We’re closed."

Oh No You Certainly Are Not.

I got into a MASSIVE screaming match with this man. I told him that the cash register was not closed, I could SEE my prescription from where I was standing and that I was walking out of there with something in my hand, be it my pills, the old pack to get it refilled or his managers phone number.

He has the BALLS to tell me that he "told me to wait an hour and come back." I lost it. I screamed that I didn't realize that my weekend was supposed to be running around his schedule now and that it SHOULD have been ready at noon (or TECHNICALLY 11) when the pharmacist TOLD me it would be ready. I also told this asshole that when a pharmacist gives you a time it's not expected that that time is an arbitrary hour, otherwise they should just tell people 3am and then you can stand and wait till I'm ready.

He walks away. I tell him that I want either my prescription or the old pack. He says "We filled your prescription and your old one is in the trash. You'll have to come back tomorrow, we're closed."

My voice is now echoing through this CVS and other customers are coming to look at me. Finally after explaining again that I am not leaving without the pills he comes over, reaches out an arm and hands them to me. Seriously.

Then I took out the letter that CVS sent me and explain to this prick that I am calling CVS to tell them that not only was my prescription NOT ready when they said it would be, I was treated EXTREMELY poorly by this man, was talked down to like a child and was made to work around this man's schedule. I can't even tell you what that letter is going to look like. I've never made a scene like that anywhere.


I got the freakin' pills, got home and had to race to pack my shit to head up to Adam's place in Somerville for the night. Adam's girlfriend Melissa was making a pasta dinner for Adam who was running in the Marathon on Monday. Good times. Went to bed really early..or tried to.

Steve & I were on the floor of Adam’s living room. Coyne was on the couch. An hour after we laid down Coyne started snoring. LOUDLY. Steve threw the remote at him. Nothing. So we moved to the kitchen floor. Needless to say, I never got to sleep, tile not being particularly comfy..

Had a great time at the Marathon but I was wicked tired all day. And I'm not a fun girl when I haven't slept. I got kind of cranky around 1-2pm...saw Adam cross the finish line at almost 4pm, which was pretty good. He looked awesome when he finished.

Got back to Somerville, had a barbecue and headed back to Worcester. Got WICKED lost on the way home, I thought Steve was going to flip out. Poor kid. And seriously, in case you're ever in a car with me..I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'M GOING. Ever. So when I say "I think it’s left" just do the opposite.

You've been warned.

After not sleeping at all on Sunday night, walking around Boston all day Monday and not getting home till late on Monday night I had to wake up at 5:30am to drive to Sysco CT's food show and stand ALL day there selling Hershey's & Gray's products to vultures all day and then drive home. abyss327, Cassie came over for American Idol (I can't BELIEVE that Russian is still on the show, he’s awful.) and I passed at 9:02pm..

:o) and how are you??

"Befriend your inner bitch. If you're heading into battle, you want that bitch on your side." -- Mama Gena

boston, sushi, trey, fight, curtains, tammany, weekend

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