"I got 99 problems...." :o) hehehe...

Nov 15, 2004 10:17


So let me tell you all about the weekend (because I don't want to work quite yet).

Friday I got flowers sent to me at work and that put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. I got home on Friday and I'm walking to our door and there's this AWESOME smell in the hallway. I think "obviously that's not our apartment"...I walk in and there's a jazz CD on, there are candles lit all over the apartment and my little swedish boyfriend is in the process of making (from SCRATCH) a lasagna. A whole freaking lasagna.

Apparently he took a half day on Friday to get this all prepared and when I talked to him at lunch like I normally do, he was on his way out of work.

He tells me that the lasagna won't be ready for at least an hour so I should relax and maybe take a shower and put on some comfy clothes...sounds good! So I walk into the bathroom and there are about 35 tea candles lit, a huge bubble bath complete with bath pillow and a Sade CD playing. It was just about the cutest thing ever. So while he cooked, I took a bubble bath and relaxed. Dinner was awesome, he bought a bottle of Chianti and for dessert we had a bottle of ice wine, which was fantastic.

Unfortunately we couldn't really go out because I had the Lit test on Saturday morning which was a train wreck. It was horrible. I guess on more then three quarters of the questions. And I know I always say they go bad, but this was just ridiculous. Authors and poets I had never heard of, Old English passages that I could read. It was very bad.

But I got home afterwards and we got ready to go. We left our car at Adam's in Somerville and thought we were going to go walk around Fanueil Hall for a while until we met up for dinner with his friends, however we got all the way there, split some chowder and I realized that I forgot my license in my bag in Somerville and I had to go back and get it. So we didn't end up walking around Faniel, we spent more time on the T and went back and ended up hanging out in Somerville. Then Steve, Brian, Amy & I went to Lucky's Lounge in Southie for dinner and a jazz band. They had the BEST apple martini....instead of vodka they used white wine so it wasn't so alcohol heavy in your mouth..it was so yummy...

It was a lot of fun. Then we met up with Adam & Melissa and went to the Hong Kong which was the worst thing ever and I hope to never return.

Had to sleep on the floor that night which sucked but we woke up Sunday and went back to Fanuiel to shop...good times, didn't actually get anything, but got some ideas for Christmas. Headed to the North End for lunch where the owner of the restaurant we ate at kissed Steve on both cheeks and then imparted wisdom on life and love and told us to come back in another 2 years for our next anniversary...(um, don't we get one NEXT year?)...and while Steve was flustered by the old Italian man, it made me feel kind of at home...it was cute..

Got back last night at around 5 and we were supposed to go to Trey's for the game but instead we fell asleep in the 3rd qtr. I'm EXHAUSTED today and have class tonight. Yuck.

how was everyone's weekend?

steve, boston

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