"That's all you could ever take from me/I've got nothing to lose so let me be"

Nov 01, 2004 11:31

So this weekend was interesting and relaxing however I'l still wicked exhausted this morning...I feel like I just can't catch up.

Friday night Steve, Trey, Erica & I went to Brew City for dinner and then headed to Jillians for a little while. I nicely ran right into Nick Saven and then proceeded to choke on my beer. Which caused Steve to tell me that I had horrible taste in men...Yes, I agree Nick Saven was a bad choice, but it was freshman year and I was trying to make friends :op Or something....

When we got back to the apartment from Jillians, Trey popped in Dawn of the Dead. I, being the pussy that I am, was reduced to a quivering mess on the corner of the couch. (Erica fell asleep which made me look even dumber..) Trey laughed at me and called me names and Steve sweetly popped in Finding Nemo so I wouldn't go to bed with nightmares. It was kind of cute...

Saturday, Steve slept till 4. That's right 4. In the afternoon. I did homework and ran errands..Then when he woke up we went to Chef Orient in Framingham for sushi. We sat at the sushi bar completely by ourselves and had one of those moments...We ordered this combo which was pretty big, but neither of us had eaten all day...we were worried it was going to be way too much. When we finished, Steve looked down at it and goes "That turned out to be the perfect amount...of alcohol" (Neither of us were drinking, which made this weirder)...then he snapped out of it, realized why I was laughing hysterically at him and goes "of food!! The perfect amount of food!!" and then he burst out laughing..so we're at the sushi bar, stuffed full of sushi and laughing until we're pretty much crying and trying not to vomit. It was one of those weird-o moments..

Steve was like "I want to tell someone about that, but I don't think anyone would get it"...I agreed but now I'm telling the story anyway, so if you don't get it, that's ok..it was one of those "I'd like to share this with someone but I'm not sure if it translates well..." kind of things..

We grabbed a drink at Desmond O'Malleys in Framingham and then headed home to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which turned out to be an awesome movie..I loved it...and as we fell asleep that night I whispered sweetly "That was the perfect amount......of alcohol...." And we burst out laughing again and passed the hell out...

Sunday we actually managed to wake up, take a shower and head to the Natick Mall to shop for Steve's dad's birthday. We ended up getting a couple of things at Waldenbooks but nothing for his dad. It was pretty pathetic.
However, that night I did make pork loin w/ apples and it came out awesome (also made chocolate chip cookies from scratch that came out decent) I was proud...FOOD! That we could EAT!! Shocking!

We watched the Patriots get killed, invited Trey over for pork and cookies..(ick. that sounds worse then it was...) and watched The Ladykillers with Tom Hanks. Which I thought was terrible.

Whew..that's enough..
how's everyone?

sushi, trey, movie, weekend

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