I need someone to chat with :op

Sep 08, 2004 11:19

I think everyone should update today so that I have something to read and talk to you about. Good idea? Good. Ready…Go.

(This holds true especially for Abyss327 who has not graced us with a real update in many weeks.)

Speaking of Cassie..she started teaching me math last night and did a fantabulous job..I think I am going to be taking some trips to the AC library in the next 3 weeks for her to teach me more. And hopefully I didn’t frustrate the everliving shit out of her. I can’t do math.

So AnneMarie, her friend Jen, Kristine, Cassie and Vanessa came over last night to eat and watch the VH1 New Kids on the Block Reunite the Band special. It was a HUGE disappointment. Jordan Knight is a chunker. (Which means we’d go quite well together I guess….) So we ended up watching the Surreal Life as well..Holy crap, Flavor Flav is a certified psycho. He should be committed. And he says “I’m completely clean, no drugs!!” Li’l too late, huh?

Ok…more later…so bored…But it’s already Wednesday which is lovely…

Using your current initials, choose a different name for yourself
I really don’t know what else I could pass for besides a Beth (especially if I have to stick with a B name…Becky Bader? Ouch.) Maybe a Bree or a Brynn? I’m definitely not the Brooke or Brittney type…

If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why?
I would be interested in experiencing the wealth and extravagant atmostphere of the 20s before the Depression of the 30s hit. It would be interesting to see if people were really like how the are depicted in the novels of that time.

If you ran a store, what would you sell/have?
Obviously, I would run a shoe store. Or an entire store of hooded sweatshirts :op

What part in a movie would you love to play?
Minnie Driver in Grosse Point Blank. A job as a DJ and a love affair with a serial killer…ah…the security…

In your opinion, why do people suck?
Because when drops of rain fall from the sky, their ability to drive their automobile suddenly disappears. It’s ridiculous.

If you had your own state, what would you put on your new quarter?
Buddy Christ? Hehehe…I know, Cassie is groaning “Ugh, Dogma!” I don’t know…maybe some symbols of teaching and a bottle of rum?

What's your biggest guilty pleasure dealing with music?
umm..Rod Stewart and Phil Collins…*wince*

What's the oldest article of clothing you own?
I’ve had my dad’s oversized navy blue Jay Packaging hoodie for years… “Accident Free Since 1995”…yes I am.

What piece of furniture have you replaced the most?
umm..this is tricky because most of our furniture is Steve’s….

What type of art do you think more people should support?
Local artists…forget the Picasso’s and the Van Gogh’s….explore artists near you…there’s always incredible talent right around the corner..

What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at?
I always always always wanted to learn how to play the piano…instead I got a guitar that I couldn’t play either..

Record, Tape, or CD?

What do you think would be the best concert ever? (max: 4 bands)
Sublime, Counting Crows, Fuel, Weezer.

What's the best part of your favorite movie?
Probably in Gross Pointe Blank “You detonate one rich guy’s dog and you’re a marked man for life” or “I don’t want to get into a semantic argument about it, I just want the protein”

What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever?
Good & Plenty. Holy disgustingness.

If you were writing out your will, who would you give your CD collection to?
I’d give it to Cassie….because there’s some weird stuff in there…

If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be?
The horrors of the Church of Scientology and why they need to be classified as a cult. I don’t need two topics. Just that one.

Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically?
Cassie’s best friend Ryan…

Most jealous of... cerebrally?

Most jealous of... socially?
Josh Brown..he inserts himself into anything and just fits in, no questions asked…and he knows everyone on earth…

What do you collect?
You know, I don’t really collect anything…besides maybe credit card debt..which I’m doing a FABULOUS job at…

What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed?
It’s going to be my credit if I don’t shape up….but probably our digital camera battery charger…it’s really annoying..

What do you do when you're home sick?
I call Cassie or I go home…pretty easy

cassie, girls, survey

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