Weekend Update

Aug 02, 2004 14:47

Weekend Recap:

Friday night - AM & I went to Tammany for the OSB concert. Wicked good music, wicked good time and her friends from work are wicked cool (especially that sweetheart whose name I'm blanking on....Avigne? Aveen? Lavigne? I don't know.) Got home, ate Steve's ice cream and went to bed feeling pretty sure that the apartment was going to get broken into.

Saturday 3am - Steve calls. I miss my cell phone by a second and he proceeds to leave the drunkest, 10 minute message I've ever heard about how much he adores me and how he's sorry he's such a screw up sometimes.

Saturday 11am - Leave to go meet Steve & his friends at Adam's house in Somerville. As soon as I get there, we leave for the Great Allston Pub Crawl. Which was ridiculous. It was me and 8 guys. Half of us left halfway through for the Dispatch concert at the Hatch Shell.

Saturday 6:30pm - I'm standing in the middle of a 85,000 person crowd at the Hatch Shell with Adam and Steve. Steve decides to go to the porta-potties and leave me with Adam. 10 minutes later, Adam has to go to. I spend the next half hour standing by myself admidst 85,000 people and start getting nervous before I hear Steve 3 or 4 rows behind me yelling into his cell phone "Beth! I can't find you and I'm lost in the crowd". Which was silly because my cell phone was at home in my backpack

Saturday 7pm - see Robbie Brawders walking through the crowd at Dispatch. I jumped over about 9 people and seriously injured one whiny bitch to grab him. Steve=not amused.

Sunday 1pm - Steve's family picnic. Wicked hungover. Got there too late to eat. Watched Steve play softball with his 50+ family members, went swimming in the lake, played volleyball with uber-competitive cousins who made it very not fun and very scary.

Today I registered for 2 classes at Framingham State, I'm taking a Fitzgerald/Hemingway course online and an Education course on Monday nights from 4:30-7:30. Fun!

Gemini Horoscope for 8/2 - 8/8

This week you feel able to speak your mind.

Don't get coerced into joint ventures.

State your case and back out if you have doubts.

Someone you meet will capture your interest.

Real estate deals are very good right now.

Buying art for your home or purchasing anything that makes where you live look more attractive is a good idea.

Family members are sympathetic to you now and you feel the same way too.

Emotions concerning your personal life will create problems if you're not direct in your approach.

Don't neglect your mate. The reassurance you offer will spare you grief.

Romantic connections can be made if you open your eyes and recognize that special person watching you from a distance.

You need to start enjoying life a little more.

This horoscope provided by Astrology Source.

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concert, family, tammany, weekend

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