(no subject)

Mar 04, 2002 13:11

Random thought: I love how my mom knows how I take my Dunkin Donuts coffee without asking :)

And on a more depressing note...Has someone in your life ever been such a disappointment to you that you feel like you just want to cry?
Like, someone you've known so closely for so long just keeps doing the same things wrong and fucking up over and over and over again and you're finally hit with this realization that no matter how much you love them your love isn't enough to make them change. It's not like "Oh, I love you, now change"...It's more like, "Can't you see that you're hurting yourself? Please change..not for me but for you.."
Like, This person was so perfect and interesting and then all of a sudden they start making these self-destructive choices and you just want to reach out and hold them and tell them that it doesn't have to be this way..But you know that that will never happen..that no matter how much you talk or try to make them see they won't change..or can't change.

That kills me every time I think about it. This kid with so much potential that just refuses to see how much he means to people..It kills me that I can't help. That I've done all that I can do. That there's nothing left but for me to try to be a good friend in whatever level he wants me to be.

*Sigh* I should just be a lesbian.
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