(no subject)

Jan 11, 2002 22:27

I could be at the Strand right now...I could be at Metropolis right now. But where am I instead? I am here, at my computer..where I will probably be for some time...Why? Because a person I used to consider my best friend's voice made me want to go to sleep and forget about life rather than inspire me to go out...

Don't get me wrong, I had a wonderful day...I chilled with Cassie all day..I picked her up from school...we went and tried to find her Winter Ball dresses...she's so lucky that she has a nice body which means she fits into the dresses that she tries on...she does not have the dress trying on problems that I did, that's for sure...she looked awesome in both dresses she tried on..

And then we went to see Vanilla Sky. Jesus Christ..with all the hype that that movie got, I thought it would be a lot better. I thought it was absolutly terrible. There were times during it that I was like "Wow, this movie is not going anywhere." I didn't think it was particularly well written, I thought the ending was a complete disappointment and almost a cop out on the part of the directors...There were parts that I thought were poignant, and lines that I thought were memorable and funny...but I think overall the movie itself kinda tanked...i was not pleased.

So....it was a fun day with Cassie..time with Cassie is time well spent..and then we got home and there was a message from Kerrin..so I picked up the phone....and she asked me if I wanted to go to the Strand with her..and all I could think was...she's going to get tanked, I am going to HAVE to get in the car with her to go home and we're all going to die. I think the problem is that I don't feel safe going out with her. I don't feel like it's a good thing to do if I care about living through the night...maybe it's a rebellious phase but I think it's immature and I don't want to be a part of it. It's sad when the voice of someone you used to think so highly of now makes your stomach turn, isn't it..

I guess it's just really getting to me..I didn't think it was that big of a deal until I realized how much time I spend thinking about it...Whatever...I don't know...

I'm going to Worcester tomorrow..I get out of work at 2 and hopefully I can catch them before they go to lunch before Natalie's birthday....maybe I'll even stop by and see Chuck if I can..that' would also be awesome...

And by the way...Jacob has not called about coffee as he said he was going to do on Sunday...on Sunday he IM'd me and said "we'll definitly get together this week..I'll call you"...that didn't happen. I'm not calling him, I'm not e-mailing him and I'm not thinking about it. I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE that when I go back to school and he starts school at URI and both of us are sufficiently far apart and at a "safe" distance and too busy...THEN he will IM me and be like "I'm really sorry I never called you..blah blah blah.." I want everyone who reads this to take this as me calling it...This will happen and it will happen RIGHT AFTER we both start school..I guarantee it. 'cause then we're not in the same state and close enough to actually see each other. He's such a fucking coward.

It just sucks that what this fucking coward has done to my head in the last year and 5 months has left such an impression. Whatever dude. I'm done. that's it. I made the mistake on New Years...it's my fault I learned my lesson AGAIN. And now it's done.. (Liz, I promise. That is the absolute last I have to say on the topic and if you want I'll tell you....you were right...I knew it then, I know it now..you were right.)

Ok...going to sleep..and then tomorrow I work and go see the girls in Worcester

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the
McDonalds Product Test
by Matio64


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and belive strongly in your personal morals.

cassie, movie, kerrin

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