Stress, Excitement, Chaos.--9 Days and counting

Aug 07, 2001 10:56

yup..that about sums up my last two weeks..It's really amazing, I think how things change so quickly and if you're not ready for it, they just sort of slap you in the face.

But anyway..I'm getting ahead of myself.

The Theta Chi summer party was last weekend and that was interesting. Not good, particularly, but interesting. Drank a lot and never really got particularly drunk. Went to Tortilla Sams and almost picked up Theta Chi another cat..Danced a tiny bit, talked to this cool kid Tom who called me Theo all night..but he's a lacrosse player so I'll let it go..Tony Forester was the awesome guy of the evening and he's letting me borrow this street map kind of thing of Florence and he gave me some tips on where to go club-wise in the area....He's such a sweetheart

Then Liz and Shannon passed out ridiculously early..Liz has an excuse, Shannon, not so much. So I was tooling around the house by myself for most of the night, talked to Bob Stowe and Luiz and smoked butts with Pizarro..good times..ended up sleeping in Covati's room 'cause Carlo took my couch..apparently because he "had to poop" or puke..depending on who you ask

So that was the summer party..definitly no where NEAR as fun as it was last summer by any stretch which kinda sucks because it was my last party of any kind before I leave.

I've been a little stressed/moody/worried/etc about Italy and I know it's affected how I talk to people and stuff..I just can't shake the bad thoughts out of my head and now with Dougie not going I don't know what i'm going to do..I was really looking forward to and depending on Dougie being there to keep me sane but it doesn't look like that's going to happen..I feel awful for him and I know he must be really upset.

Carl is good..talked to him Sunday night until 3am..It was good because for the past week I've just been building up all this nervous energy and I've had this need to cry..this lump in my throat that I just had no where to release and as we were talking and he said "So what should we do with our last days together" I just lost it...I let it all out..everything I was nervous about, scared of, things that were making me unable to sleep at night I told him and I felt about a million times better

We were talking about going into Boston before I leave and going to get sushi or something because he really knows his way around Boston and I do not, as evidenced by my being lost for an hour and a half in Jamaica Plains on my way to visit Pat.

I'll completely miss sucks so bad that I'll be gone for so long right after meeting him..When I get back he'll probably have found a Tyra Banks look alike and be saying "Beth who?" when he hears my voice on his answering machine. Not something that I"m looking forward to.

Anyway, 9 days and counting. I'm terrified.

italy, oxe, carl, summer, parties

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