Jul 11, 2001 16:18

I don't know what this whole thing is going to escalate to but noting the drama points that summer living has thus far ecrued, I'd be willing to bet that it will be big.

For those of you unaware, it's come to my attention that someone printed out me & Liz's livejournal's and gave them to the RD or whoever. I know, I know..someone obviously has way too much time on their hands..but whatever..if anyone is that interested about menial details of my life and what I think then so be it..I will back what I say anytime. I don't say things I don't mean and everyone knows it. I seem to recall a saying that went

"I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it."...printing out my livejournal and thinking that anyone will care sounds like someone wants me to censor my thoughts and gosh darn it, that's not going to happen.

I find this amusing and infuriating for several reasons. All of which are very obvious if you know me at all.

1) I keep this journal to keep in touch with my friends/sister/whoever back home. To say that I'm doing something wrong by doing this is ridiculous. Are you going to tell me next that I can't say exactly what I think? Because I do..and you all know that ....

2) there is nothing in this journal that I wouldn't say to everyone's faces. Everyone knows that I don't give a fuck who likes me and who doesn't..which leads to number

3) I'm not in this apartment to make friends, be Miss Popularity or party. I'm here because I have well paying jobs that are necessary to fund a semester in Italy. What ANYONE else thinks/says about me doesn't phase me in the least, nor do I care.

4) If someone has something to say, say it to my face..otherwise you're just spineless and I have no time in my day to deal with it.

I have more to say but I'm too pissed right now to continue. By all means though, print this one out and show it to your friends...now they too can know a little more about my social life. Oh wait..I still don't care.

roommates, vacation, summer

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