Tons to talk about :)

Jul 01, 2001 22:40

This weekend was a really good time..but we'll get to that in a moment.

So, two weeks ago this kid named Carl started at Allmerica. The dude is gorgeous..he's Cape Verdean with big greenish eyes..wicked nice body..just incredible looking..We didn't really talk that much his first couple of days but then him, me and this awesome chick Carlee started sitting together every night and chatting and basically driving our supervisor, Darlene, nuts. We're a cute little trio :)

Last Wednesday Carlee asked me if I wanted to go jetskiing and tubing at her house on Tuesday (the Tuesday coming up) I thought it sounded awesome so I said yes. The next day we were talking about it and Carl asked what we were doing so we told him and he goes "Oh, cool..can I come?" I was totally floored..but he was Carlee got his number so she could give him directions and then he goes "Beth, let me get your number" ...I was totally shocked but I gave it to him and expected that he'd call like, Tuesday afternoon to see if we could carpool to Carlee's or something.

I got home from work Thursday night and all my roommates were going out to the club. As they were leaving, the phone rang and it was him. Again..totally amazed. We talked until the girls all came home from the club and that was about 3 hours later...It was great..

So far I've learned that he went to Penn State with a major in Biology, is interested in Theatre and acting, applied to Harvard, drives a Mercedes Benz that he bought himself, was Junior Olympics volleyball and has an awesome sense of humor..and we're going tubing together on Tuesday and he wants me to call him before then. I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself :) Yeah!

So, anyway..this weekend was pretty fun...dropped a lot more money then I ever expected to but that's ok..I'll get over it. Me, Liz, Carlo and Paul went to Boston, tooled around there for a little while, I had an awesome time..Paul is a really good kid that I completly enjoyed hanging out with..we saw an Omni Show at the Boston Museum of Science and basically had a good time all time..Beach.

4th of July plans still in progress..chill with Carl? Go to JP's and chill with Kerrin? I have no idea what's going on. We'll figure it out later.

allmerica, liz, carl

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