Mother of Christ I'm bored..

May 19, 2001 02:31

I don't think anyone but Liz knows how bored I am right now...and I got this in my hotmail box so I'm filling it out here for lack of anything better to do ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!!!

I need: Some stability
I find: Interesting temporary fixes but nothing real
I want: Home cooked food
I have: Really cool friends
I love: Providence. My family, my sister, Kerrin, Goots, Liz, Katie, Annemarie, Michael, Steve, Chove, Robbie, Josh Brown. Being surrounded by awesome people. Knowing that I did the absolute best that I could.
I hate: immature people. Ignorance. People who talk about shit they know nothing about. Worcester.
I miss: Certain kids from high school. Having money when I needed it.
I fear: Being completly alone. Flying. That I made the wrong decision
I regret: Saying too much. Not saying enough. Letting things go that shouldn't have been. The fact that no matter how hard I try there are things that I can't change.

When was the last time you...
Cried?: last Saturday when everyone left.
Bought Something?: Wednesday night...the gorgeous knee length sweater-thing thats going to look so cute in Italy
Danced?: Last night at the Complex with my girl Kerrin :)
Kissed someone?: I'm not going to lie..I kissed a very cute boy at the complex last night.
Talked to an ex?: hm. probably about a week ago online...All I could picture was his red hair :)
Had a nightmare?: Earlier this week, I was alone in the dorm and had a horrendous nightmare about things falling apart...I woke up hysterical

Last movie you saw: Briget Jones's Diary
Last song you heard: Perfect Gentleman by Wyclef
Last thing you had to drink: Bottled Water at Work
Last time you showered: This morning before I left Prov
Last thing you ate: Cup O Noodle :) thanks Dave

Do you...
Smoke?: yup
Do drugs?: not anymore
Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope
Live in the moment?: Is there anywhere else to in the past is a bad option
Have a boyfriend: Ha. There's a laugh
Play an instrument?: nope...used to sing really well but I blew that
Remember your first love?: How could I not? Josh Belliveau..
Still love him?: I still love him in a friendly way..I probably always will..I hope his life with the finacee chick turns out wonderful..I think he deserves that much..
Believe in miracles?: Yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Not at all.
Consider love a mistake?: For me it just seems to lead to more problems. Love itself is probably wonderful but I guess I wouldn't really know
Like the taste of alcohol?: For the most part
Have any secrets?: Yes.
Do well in school?: I do all right. I could do better
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: If I'm bored enough..tonight I'd seriously consider it
Have any piercings?: naval
Hate yourself?: Enough people hate me so that I don't really have to add to it...j/k. No, I'm a big fan of who I am right now.
Have a secret crush?: *blush* yes..but he's way out of my league
Do they know yet?: Yes he does. It doesn't make a shit of difference
Have a best friend?: of course. Cassie, Kerrin, Liz, Goots & Josh Brown
Care about looks?: My own looks, to a degree. Others looks, not really


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