(no subject)

May 04, 2009 15:14

This weekend was wonderful.

On Saturday we went to a meeting with our wedding venue which went really well. We saw the place in spring instead of bleak November and it was gorgeous. I still get butterflies when I walk into that ballroom.

Then, we headed down to Newport, RI for the night. Jon got this promotional email for a hotel room for $100. And since the place is, by all reviews, $350-$500 a night normally, he decided to jump on it.

We got down there around 2pm, put our bag in our room, which was lovely and bright and really big, and then headed down Thames Street to find chowder for lunch. We were going to do a pub, but we came across The Gas Lamp Grille so we decided to stop there for a bowl of chowder, a bowl of lobster bisque and a shared order of crabcakes.

Lunch was awesome and we figured we'd walk it off down at the Cliff Walk, which we had read was 3.5 miles. We thought that sounded just fine.

It was drizzly when we started out, but after a little while the sun came out and it was just gorgeous. A little windy, but bright and sunny. The walk felt really great and each time we came to an exit, we opted to keep going. Until we realized that we'd gone pretty far...it was going to take a long time to get back to the hotel!!!

When we finally figured out where we were (thank you Blackberry GPS!) and started off back to the hotel...my feet and knees hurt. Which meant that poor Jon's knees and ankles must have been KILLING him. Overall, we walked for about 3 hours. When we got home, I mapped our route on MapMyWalk.com and it comes out to about 7.4 miles. Ouch.

We got back to town, stopped by the restaurant we were thinking about for dinner. It was a nice place, and we were a little gross from our 7.4 miles, but Jon convinced me to ask the host if we could check it out....so we did a lap around the restaurant and then headed to the hotel and wondered how we had not factored in the walk to and from the Cliff Walk into our total mileage. Stupids.


Relaxed for a little while and then got dressed for dinner. The plan was to eat at The Mooring and then move on to a bar that the staff had recommended for prime Celtics game viewing. We called The Mooring to see if we could get reservations, but no such luck. We figured that if we couldn't they had two bars that would suit us just fine.

Walked back to the restaurant, the host was so nice. He was like "you guys came in this afternoon? In a red shirt? And you in a baseball cap?" It was nice that he remembered us. They still didn't have any tables, but the host quietly pointed out two people seated at the bar that he was just about to seat at a table. So we kind of hovered near them and as they were whisked away, we took their seats.

The bartender was hysterical. He was one of those guys you kind of expect to be working in Boston. Three or four older, pretentious women seated at the bar got drinks and then later told him "We've decided we're going to stay at the bar for dinner as well" and he kind of goes "Lucky Me!!" and walks away...he was a riot.

And he wasn't too upset when I dumped Jon's drink and shattered the glass all over his bar :o( Whoops.

We got oysters, seared tuna and a shrimp & cod plate. By the time we had enjoyed all of that, the Celtics game was on and the bartender put the game on the large flat screen...so we regrouped and decided there was no reason to leave and hope we got a seat at a different bar (and after the day, we weren't about to stand for the whole game) so we just stayed.

Got more drinks (switched from martinis to beer :o) Prices were a little high!), decided 1/2 way through the second quarter to split a slice of cheesecake....one more drink.

Cheered for the Celtics with other couples at the bar..and the bartender.

It was a really fun night overall. We left that bar and decided to get snacks for the hotel. We picked up small bags of Cheetos and Smartfood and walked up the street but then decided to stop for ONE MORE DRINK! at a bar filled with Marines.

Having a beer in a bar with Marines whilst holding a shopping bag of snacks is kind of weird.

But snacks in bed while watching cheesy movies before passing out is a very good time.


Getting back to Waltham was good though...We woke up Sunday morning, enjoyed the lovely shower in the hotel room and then walked around for a little while longer (found a shop selling paintings that was going out of business..we got two pieces, in frames of our choice for under $100! They're great! Pics later!) and then drove home.

Where we spent an hour and a half reading the paper in bed before heading off to catch up on some work (Jon) and do grocery shopping and laundry (me).

Hooray for promo emails offering crazy-low hotel rates...it set the stage for a wonderfully fun and relaxing weekend.

jonathan, newport, weekend

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