Jun 02, 2007 13:49

FINALLY! I've been dying while trying to get this computer work...It seems it had some problems with firewalls and stuff so now there shouldn't be any problems with my LJ and blog :D
and yes: Now I'm going to write more often! It's summer vacation now and I'm lovin' it!
I got my latest grades:
Finnish: 8
Math:4....-______- *I have to retake when school starts. But it's ok! I'm going to get a new maths teacher. xD *dances around*
Oh, and has anyone seen the finnish/chinese movie Jade warror? o.O I just saw it yesterday and I <3 it. SOOO PRETTYYYYY! Ok, a little bit confusing but a very sad lovestory. One should read Kalevala before seeing the movie xD I also watched another movie yesterday. Spin kick. It's a Korean Taekwondo centered movie. It was great too! In case you havn't seen any of these go to :
It's a great site, a lot of doramas and movies and best of all: subbed! Yes! *that site's my savior!*
I strongly recommend it.
Oh and I got a summerjob. A crappy one but well, it's a job :D hard to get anything unless you're 18 and well, I'm not so bye bye to 99,9% of all the jobs. I got a job as a paintgirl at a constructionsite. I'm going to paint boards the entire summer -_____- oh joy. But I get 1000 € for 1 month so about 1300 $. If that doesn't clear that for you then 137000 Yen :D or 1404000 won xDDDD Ok, I'll stop now...
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