Gaming peanuts.

Oct 09, 2007 00:28

I just ate a big pack of peanuts and now I feel sick. Well worth it though because they were yummy. According to the packet I just put 1200 calories in my mouth.

I thought I would write a little update on my gaming at the moment. No idea why though. I'm just bored. Where is a Mon when you need her.

(GBA) Wario Ware Twisted: COMPLETED
Ah man what a game. I have no idea why I didn't import this sooner. I just finished it and found it an absolute laugh. It fits my weird sense of humour perfectly. I lost count of the number of times I giggled at the pure madness of it all. This is the gaming definition of "fun".
Best bit - Super Mario Bros boss level.
Worst bit - I had to walk all the way to the sorting office to the collect the parcel it came in. Stupid postman!
My score 8/10

(VC) Sin and Punishment: Finished on easy and normal mode. Now trying hard!
I remember wanting this game back in the old N64 days. Along with Super Mario RPG, this is the game I wanted to play when I first heard about the virtual console. Now I am not a big fan of the virtual console. I think the games are overpriced. But when it comes to games that have never been released over here, and are properly converted and translated, I am happy to pay. I started this game fully aware that the game is a little on the short side and that the controls take a bit of getting used to. I got used to the controls pretty quickly, but even though I expected the game to be short, I didn't expect to complete it in about 2 hours. I was playing it on easy mode though. Luckily those two hours where full of gaming bliss. I couldn't understand the story at all, but I don't think I'm missing much. Earlier today I completed it on normal, and tomorrow I shall try it on hard.

There will be more of my gaming updates when I can be arsed.
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