May 06, 2011 21:16
If you guys are looking for an HONEST TO GAWD awesome read... then I am going to HIGHLY RECOMMEND EVEN BEG YOU to read Karen Marie Moning's Darkfever series. I honestly didn't think I would like it -- no LOVE it as much as I did after reading all 5 books. Yes, there are 5 books, and it's completed, so you won't go crazy at the end of each book from the cliffhangers that would have driven me insane had I read them when they came out. It's too hard to put into words how absolutely magnificent the books are... the writing is just... the characters are just...everything is just... well, and just one name to keep in mind: BARRONS *gushes* *.*
If you read it then PLZGUSHWITHME.
If not then... sexy men, sexy sex, it's totally like XXX rated...Ok maybe R/NC-17...but most definitely not for children.
And the main character is a girl who's not stupid and is witty and has, omg, CHARACTER. Yaiknow. That's hard to come by. And generally I hate first person POV, but the main character's perspective is amazing. Most of the time I didn't notice it was first person because of how smoothly everything read and was described. I'm bouncing with excitement here. GO READ GO READ GO READ *demands*