Why are some people so bummed about Valentine's Day? Last year, I heard a lot of people call it "Single Awareness Day." Well I say that NO ONE should be bummed on February 14th. Seriously. Look around you. See how many people love and care about you. Thank God for taking care of you for so many years even before you were ever conceived. Tell your parents that you love them no matter how difficult. Hug your friends to let them know they have a special place in your heart.
Yes, the advertisements display a cute young couple, but seriously, love is more than just eros. It's agape, storge, and philias too. Just look it up in the Greek language. It's a time to appreciate everyone.
So I want to let you know that I appreciate you. If you're reading this, you've probably touched my life somehow, and I promise that I will never forget you.
I am very appreciate of all my blessings, which are countless. Each person that has ever walked in my life, that has ever said one "hi" to me, that has showed me one piece of himself/herself, THANK YOU. I will cherish those moments.