The Potion Makerfirefightrscottium is a cloudy, crumbly green solid drained from the root of a monkshood.mrsmorenobium is a milky, runny blue gel distilled from the sap of a monkshood.Mixing firefightrscottium with mrsmorenobium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing a translucent scarlet potion which gives the user the power of amazing hearing.Yet another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern The Potion Makerfirefightrscottium is a cloudy, crumbly green solid drained from the root of a monkshood.3kgtvr4ium is a translucent, grainy orange powder drained from the heart of a phoenix.Mixing firefightrscottium with 3kgtvr4ium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque blue potion which gives the user protection from death.Yet another fun meme brought to you by