Dec 13, 2004 19:18

So you can probably see my chem exam sucked this morning. First college exam and I blew it. I don't think I failed but I really don't think I did all that well...hopefully, and I mean hopefully high seventies. Oh and to top things off my English professor lost my English portfolio!!! How do you lose all that work!!! HONESTLY!!! I was and still am so pissed off!!!! GAH!!!! I spent so much time on that. I was so upset between that and the test that I literally just burst into tears as soon as I saw Josh, I was just so upset. What would I do without him, he just shhh me and rocked with me while i vented and cried. He is amazing you know!! He just kept trying to give me some sort of words of encouragement and he just treated me so well. I am so lucky!!!!

Tonight I had my criminal justice final, that went a little better, made me relax a bit. I have one more test after this, calculus...YUCK!!! But it is open note and open book so yeah, it should be okay. I am still going to study like a fiend though, its not until Thursday!!!!

I am so in love with my boy right now, he was so amazing this morning with my insaneness, I get so stressed about these things and he knew just how much comfort I needed.

Okay, enough ranting and raving...blah

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