Nov 09, 2005 23:49
Today we were up at 0630, as usual, and were at the jobsite by about 715. We decided last night that running to the school and getting lunch takes too long, so we decided that we were just going to take lunch meets to the site and work all afternoon. We did, stopped for about 20 minutes to eat a quick lunch around 1230 local time, I think. Then it was right back into the fray. We finished the back wall and the other side wall, then we started working on the rafters and the roof of the dugout.
Again we worked up until dark, and tonight, we even worked a little bit later then that. We asked the baseball team, who were practicing if they could turn the spotlights on so that we could keep working. I think we were half kidding, but they took us seriously, and turned all the spotlights on. We kept working, until almost 7 PM local time. Then we headed into town to the brand new Chinese restaurant for dinner. Oh was that good. Buffet style. I ate lots and lots of Chicken and Broccoli, and some other stuff. Very good. We call came back to the Parenting Center, John took the first shower, and then I took the second one.
I talked to Alana a few times today, she had to have blood drawn, and I wanted to make sure she made the trip back to Rowan safely. And I talked to her briefly during dinner. I’m waiting for her to call now with an update about the party that my brother is throwing at the house while I’m gone. For some reason, this makes me way nervous. Oh well. So we’ll talk, and then I’ll crash. I’m sort of beat, and I’ve been awake for going on 14 hours now, but almost 11 of that was solid hard work.
Our goal is to have the entire dugout done tomorrow. My goal is to be done by 12 noon, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen. I think we’re working straight through until the dugout is done though, so that we don’t have to work on it on Friday.
I’d like to see us leave down here no later then 4 or 5 PM on Friday. 10 hours puts us in Knoxville TN around 2 or 3 AM. If we sleep until 10, that’s between 6 and 7 hours of sleep, and if we leave Knoxville TN at 12 PM, we’re back at Rowan sometime around 10 or 11 PM. But that’s only my intention of how to do things.